jlpt n1 vocabulary quiz by gaijin world 2

JLPT N1 Vocabulary Quiz 2



#1. 日本には多くの伝統的な茶屋がありますが、その中でも特に有名なのがその老舗の茶屋です。この茶屋は、創業以来[_______]して伝統の味を守り続けています。歴史と伝統を大切にしながら、現代のニーズにも対応しているため、多くの観光客や地元の人々から愛されています。



The phrase “創業以来ながらに” means “since the founding” or “since the beginning.” In the context of the sentence, “創業以来ながらにして伝統の味を守り続けている” means “Since its founding, it has continued to preserve the traditional taste.” The correct reading for “創業以来” is “そうぎょういらい,” and “ながらに” means “while” or “in the state of.”

  • うまれ: This means “birth” but does not fit the context of “since the founding.”
  • はじめ: This means “beginning” and fits the context of “since the founding.”
  • そざい: This means “creation” but does not fit the context of “since the founding.”
  • おこり: This means “occurrence” but does not fit the context of “since the founding.”

Therefore, the correct answer is “はじめ.”

JLPT Vocabularies and Grammars:

  1. 日本 (にほん) – Japan (N5)
  2. 多く (おおく) – Many (N4)
  3. 伝統的 (でんとうてき) – Traditional (N3)
  4. 茶屋 (ちゃや) – Teahouse (N2)
  5. 中 (なか) – Inside, among (N5)
  6. 特に (とくに) – Especially (N4)
  7. 有名 (ゆうめい) – Famous (N5)
  8. 老舗 (しにせ) – Long-established (N2)
  9. 創業 (そうぎょう) – Founding (N2)
  10. 以来 (いらい) – Since (N3)
  11. ながらに – While, as (N2)
  12. 伝統 (でんとう) – Tradition (N3)
  13. 味 (あじ) – Taste (N5)
  14. 守る (まもる) – To protect, to maintain (N4)
  15. 続ける (つづける) – To continue (N4)
  16. 歴史 (れきし) – History (N4)
  17. 大切 (たいせつ) – Important (N4)
  18. 現代 (げんだい) – Modern (N3)
  19. 対応する (たいおうする) – To correspond, to deal with (N2)
  20. 観光客 (かんこうきゃく) – Tourist (N3)
  21. 地元 (じもと) – Local (N3)
  22. 人々 (ひとびと) – People (N4)
  23. 愛する (あいする) – To love (N4)

More quizzes to try are available on the links below!

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